747 Bon Air Street, Lakeland, Florida 33805•(863) 583-4889
At Lakeland Manor Assisted Living Facility, we have great concern for the well-being of all residents and their families.
Our reputation speaks for itself with many advantages and specialized services. Lakeland Manor offers a Secure Unit for the total safety of those who are challenged with Memory Impairment, Cognitive Loss, and Alzheimer’s Complications. In addition we have a Limited Mental Health license. We also provide personalized care and attention for those who live in a less-structured independent living wing where residents come and go as they wish on a daily basis. Lakeland Manor is large enough to serve 60 residents, yet small enough to customize care and attention. Our philosophy is that each person deserves the same dignity as you and I. Our approach is to connect with everyone as we focus on the respect they so deserve. Lakeland Manor Assisted Living is their home!
We have a comprehensive geriatric-trained medical support team. They are selected for their innovative and holistic approaches, ethical ideals, and compassionate care provided every day to our very special residents.
It is true that many people who need assisted living resources have special challenges that they never would have predicted for their golden years of retirement. We are here to bridge that gap through the example of expressing our care!
Please call today for a tour of our facility. (863) 583-4889

Services Provided
• Daily Activities Program, geared to each resident's functional level
• Outings and excursions for independent residents
• Individualized Assessment and Care Plans
• Strategies to reduce confusion and agitation
• Family Education and Counseling
• Family and Medical Team Consults
• Special Diets
• Medication Management
• Behavior Management
We offer assistance as needed with medication management, bathing, grooming, dressing, toileting and meals.
Our Specialized Team
• Physician Services
• Registered Nurse Practitioner
• Psychiatric Team
• Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapies
• Podiatry and Ophthalmology
• Home Health Services
• On-site Labs and X-Rays
• Hospice for "end of life" choices
• On-going staff training and assessment